Friday, August 31, 2007

Illegal Immigrants - State sponosred college tuition

Kansas immigrant tuition ruling upheld
Friday, August 31, 2007 02:45:13 AM

A group of students paying out-of-state tuition to attend college in Kansas cannot challenge a state law allowing some illegal immigrants to pay lower in-state tuition, a federal appeals court ruled.

The ruling, issued Thursday, dealt only with whether the plaintiffs could challenge the 2004 Kansas law and did not address the merits of the law.

A trial judge in Kansas had ruled the students lacked standing to challenge the law because they did not face a "concrete and imminent" injury. A three-judge panel of the Denver-based 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed in its ruling Thursday.

The plaintiffs, all U.S. citizens who did not live in Kansas, argued the state violated their constitutional rights to equal protection under the law by offering some illegal immigrants a benefit they couldn't get.

Full Story

Conservative Bloggers Comments:
WOW..I must be really dense, but how can we even be having this discussion? If a person is by law an illegal immigrant, HOW CAN THEY EVEN GET INTO COLLEGE? We should not be arguing about what tuition rate they will be paying, we should be discussing which bus we will be putting them on when we deport them. Illegal is illegal. It seems to me that the term illegal immigrant is being confused with that of someone who is here on a visa these days. Why can't we just enforce our laws?

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